University of California, Berkeley (1999)
PhD, sociology​
Stanford University (1992)
BA, political science
Academic Positions
Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies, University of Southern California (2024-)
Affiliated scholar.
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (2011-20)
Tenured associate and full professor of political science and public affairs. Harold Stassen Chair of International Affairs. Co-director, Master’s of Human Rights.
CIDE, Mexico City (2011-16)
Visiting and affiliated professor of international studies.
Carleton University, Ottawa (2006-11)
Tenured associate professor of international studies.
McGill University, Montreal (2001-06)
Assistant and tenured associate professor of sociology. Canada Research Chair (Tier 2).
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (1999-01)
Assistant professor of sociology and political science.
Brown University, Providence (1998-99)
Postdoctoral research fellow.
Brookings Institution, Washington DC (1997-98)
Predoctoral research fellow.
Consulting & Advisories
International Agency (2025)
Evaluation of support to governments and families for forensic work in Central America.
European Bilateral Aid Agency (2023)
Evaluation of a European bilateral donor’s financial support to human rights organizations in the Middle East.
Fetzer Institute (2022-24)
Advisories on social movements.
Life for a Child (2010-23)
Evaluation of programs distributing insulin and blood glucose equipment in India, Mexico, Morocco, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.
Engage Health (2020-21)
Data analysis on patient experiences with rare diseases.
Center for Victims of Torture (2016-21)
Poll of US attitudes towards human rights (N=3,000).
Human Rights Watch (1992-20)
Human rights and war crimes investigations in Chechnya, Israel/Palestine, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, and Nigeria.
Open Societies Foundations (2015-16)
Population-based surveys of citizen willingness to donate to local human rights groups in Bogota and Mexico City (N=2,000).
Canadian Foreign Ministry (2006-08)
Advisories on transitional justice, armed conflict & human rights, and public health.
CARE (1998-99)
Advisory on politics, programs, and ethics in the Goma refugee camp.
International Committee of the Red Cross (1996-97)
Advisory on civilian protection in the former Yugoslavia (1996-97).
2017. Taking Root: Human Rights & Public Opinion in the Global South. Oxford University Press.
2003. Frontiers & Ghettos: State Violence in Serbia & Israel. University of California Press
Scholarly Articles
2020. “Do Global Publics View Human Rights Organizations as Handmaidens of U.S. Empire?” Political Science Quarterly. 135/1: 9-35.
2018. “Caregiving for Children with Type 1 Diabetes and Clinical Outcomes in Central India.” Pediatric Diabetes 19/3: 527-533.
2017. “Management of Type 1 Diabetes in a Limited Resource Context.” Journal of Diabetology 8/2: 37-44.|
2017. “Local Resources for Local Rights? The Mumbai Fundraiser’s Dilemma.” Journal of Human Rights 16/3:
2016. “Hands Off My Regime! The Backlash Against Foreign Funding to Local NGOs.” World Development. 84: 299-311.
2016. “Universal Values, Foreign Money: The Political Economy of Local Human Rights Organizations.” Review of International Political Economy. 23/1: 29-64.
2015. “Who Survived? Ethiopia’s Regulatory Crackdown on NGOs.” Review of International Political Economy. 22/2: 419-456.
2015. “Who Trusts Local Human Rights Organizations? Evidence from Three World Regions.” Human Rights Quarterly, 37: 188–239.
2014. “Human Rights Familiarity and Socio-Economic Status: A Four Country Study.” Sur: International Journal of Human Rights. 11/20: 335-351.
2013. “The Latin Bias: Regions, the Anglo-American Media, and Human Rights.” International Studies Quarterly, 57/3: 474-491
2012. “Rights-Based Development: Implications for NGOs.” Human Rights Quarterly, 34/2: 472-506
2010. “State-Level Transitional Justice Impacts: What Do We Know?” International Journal of Transitional Justice 4/3: 329-354
2009. “Seeing Double: Human Rights through Qualitative & Quantitative Eyes.” World Politics 61/2: 360-401
2007. “Public Health, Conflict, & Human Rights: An Agenda for Collaborative Research.” Conflict & Health 11/1: 1-38
2007. “Do Human Rights Violations Cause Internal Conflict?” Human Rights Quarterly 29/3: 674-705
2007. “Shaping the Northern Media’s Human Rights Coverage, 1986-2000.” Journal of Peace Research 44/4: 385-406
2007. “Human Rights Institutions: Rhetoric & Efficacy.” Journal of Peace Research 44/4: 379-384
2006. “What Shapes the West’s Human Rights Focus?” Contexts 5/3: 23-28.
2005. “Transnational Information Politics: Human Rights NGO Reporting, 1986-2000.” International Studies Quarterly 49/3: 557-587
2004. “Paradigm in Distress? Primary Commodities & Civil Wars.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 49/4: 443-450
2004. “Primary Commodities & War: Congo-Brazzaville’s Ambivalent Resource Curse.” Comparative Politics 37/1: 61-81.
2002. “NGO Scramble: Organizational Insecurity & the Political Economy of Transnational Action.” International Security 27/1: 1-33
2001. “Ideology in Context: Sendero Luminoso’s Tactical Escalation.” Journal of Peace Research 38/5: 569-592
2000. “Boundaries & Violence: Patterns of State Action along the Bosnia-Yugoslavia Divide.”
2000. “Savage Restraint: Israel, Palestine, & the Dialectics of Legal Repression.” Social Problems 47/4: 445-472.
1997. “Varying Methods of State Violence.” International Organization 51/2: 275-300
Guest editorials in newspapers (selected)
2019. “American Jews and American Muslims have a Common Antagonist.” New York Times
2019. “To Protect Human Rights Abroad, Preach to Trump Voters.” Foreign Policy
2019. “No, Americans Don’t Support Airstrikes that Kill Civilians, Even When They Target Terrorists.”
Washington Post
2018. “Democracies Need a Little Help from Their Friends.” Foreign Policy
2017. “Across the Globe, Governments are Cracking Down on Civic Organizations. This is Why.”
Washington Post
2016. “Human Rights Groups are Secretly U.S. Agents. True or False?” Washington Post
2009. “Why are the United States & Israel at the Top of the Human Rights Hit Lists?” Foreign Policy
2006. “Trapped in a Vengeful Machismo.” Toronto Star
2005. “Finding Bias in Human Rights Reporting,” Globe & Mail
2004. “Responsibility for Abu Ghraib may be Difficult to Unravel,” Baltimore Sun
2003. “Lift the Sanctions – Economic Weapons of Mass Destruction,” Globe & Mail
2003. “Protect Iraqi People from Looming Disaster,” Baltimore Sun
2002. “What Happened in Jenin?” Toronto Star
2001. “Relief Business Bears Watching.” Baltimore Sun
2001. “Self-Critical Foreign Policies Could Enhance Our
Security.” Baltimore Sun
2000. “US Has Own Record of Atrocities.” Boston Globe
2000. “Desperate Logic of Arms.” International Herald Tribune
2000. “Suppose Israel Leased the Jordan Valley from the Palestinians.” International Herald Tribune
Evaluations & Advisory Reports
2025. Evaluation of the Forensic Program in Central America. Prepared for an International Agency.
2023. Evaluation of Aid to Human Rights Organizations in the Middle East. Prepared for a European Bilateral
2018. Can Local Human Rights Organizations Raise Funds from the General Public in Bogotá? Prepared for the Open Societies Foundations
2017. Will Publics Pay to Protect Rights in Mexico City? Prepared for the Open Societies Foundations.
2008. The State-Level Effects of Transitional Justice Mechanisms. Prepared for Global Affairs Canada.
1998. Human Rights & Humanitarian Assistance: Evaluating CARE’s Performance in the Eastern Zaire Refugee Camps, 1994-1996. Prepared for CARE-USA
1996. Compete or Collaborate? Civilian Protection in the Former Yugoslavia. Prepared for the International
Committee of the Red Cross: Geneva.
1995. Weapons Transfers & Violations of the Laws of War in Turkey. Prepared for Human Rights Watch.
1994. Israel's Interrogation of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories. Prepared for Human Rights Watch
1993. Israeli Undercover Operations against "Wanted" & Masked Palestinians. Prepared for Human Rights Watch
2018-19 Fulbright research scholar, Israel (declined)
2018-19. Ford Foundation grant # 0175-1236. Open Global Rights. (USD 200,000).
2018-19. Open Society Foundation grant # OR2017-39966. Open Global Rights. (USD 120,000).
2016-18. Open Society Foundation grant # OR2015-25486. Polling Publics in Mexico and Colombia: Human Rights Attitudes and Willingness to Donate. (USD 160,855)
2016-17. Ford Foundation. Open Global Rights (USD 200,000).
2016-17. Open Society Foundation. Open Global Rights (USD 75,000)
2013-16. Ford Foundation. Open Global Rights (USD 560,000).
2009-11. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada. Rights-Based Organizations for Development & Social Justice: Legitimacy & Sustainability (CAD 106,800)
2008. Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade. Transitional Justice: Policy Implications. (CAD 50,000)
2007. Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade. Public Health Research Methods: Implications for Conflict Analysis & Human Rights Research (CAD 67,000)
2006. Canadian International Development Agency. Human Rights Violations & Civil War Onset: Tracing the Links (CAD 25,000)
2007-10. National Science Foundation. Issue Adoption in Human Rights Advocacy Networks (USD 647,000).
2003-7. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada. The International Human Rights Movement: Prospects & Efficacy (CAD 150,000)
2001-06. Canada Research Chairs Program. Conflict & Human Rights (CAD 500,000)
2001-06. Canada Fund for Innovation. Conflict & Human Rights (CAD 122,000)
2001-02. U.S. Institute of Peace. Civil War in Congo-Brazzaville ($32,000 USD)
1998-99. Brown University. State Violence in Serbia & Israel (USD 35,000)
1997-98. Brookings Institution. State Violence in Serbia & Israel (USD 13,000)
1995-97. Social Science Research Council. State Violence in Serbia & Israel (USD 40,000)
1994. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Human Rights Abuses During the First Intifada. (USD 12,000